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  His hand stroked her bare back as he slowly caught his breath, still with his cock inside her as he reached for her breasts, teasing them with his soft manicured fingers.

  She didn't know whether to say something or stay still, waiting for him to break the silence. Then he pulled out gently, bent down and kissed both her butt cheeks.

  She turned her head to look at him and saw he cleaned himself with tissues and then zipped his pants back up. Then turning to her he said, "There's a bathroom through that door. Go clean yourself up."

  She couldn't tell by his tone if he was angry or annoyed with her but he didn't look pleased so she got up, picked up her clothing and walked to the bathroom wearing nothing but the red stiletto heels.

  As she locked the door, she looked at herself in the mirror feeling completely used - as a prostitute. She forced herself to hold in the tears that were desperately trying to get out but after washing quickly, she got dressed and then opened the bathroom door, hoping to go back to her office without being called.

  He sat at his desk writing again and as she walked quietly toward his office door, she thought she'd made it out until he called out to her.

  "Alessia, where are you going?" he asked with a stern tone.

  "I thought we were finished. I was going back to my desk," she said.

  "No, I need you to do something for me, so come sit down and I'll tell you what I need," he said, without looking up from his writing.

  She walked slowly back to the desk and sat down in the chair where she'd fingered herself early that morning. Waiting for him to talk again, she looked at his fingers as he continued to write and noticed how beautiful they were. They were long and slim, perfectly manicured.

  "I need to go to Milano tomorrow and I need you to come with me to make sure the arrangements go smoothly. I've sent you the agenda and the contact information of the people I need to see tomorrow. Please call them before you leave tonight to confirm their availability," he said, without looking up from his writing. Then he sighed and looked up, "Make sure you're packed and ready by 06:00 tomorrow morning and bring your passport. A car will pass by to collect you."

  "Do you mind if I ask you how long we'll be staying in Milano?" she asked before thinking about the passport. "Why do I need my passport if we're travelling to Milano? Won't my identification card be enough?"

  He looked up with distant blue eyes and said, "We shouldn't be in Milano more than three days but we may need to go to Germany after that. I won't know until I'm in Milano so plan ahead and always keep your passport in your handbag because I may not always be able to give you advance warning when we need to travel." His face softened a little as he watched her facial expression turn to worry. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it after the first few days."

  She got up and walked toward his office door, feeling the heat between her legs from only moments ago. How could he be so tender one moment and then cold the next? She felt like fleeing but then she knew that she couldn't, so she returned to her desk and read her emails. She wrote down all the necessary information in her trusty agenda that she always carried around and after making the final call to confirm the scheduled appointments, she suddenly felt the exhaustion of the day. All she wanted to do was go home and have a long hot bath. When it was 19:00 she got up and went to knock on the Minister's door to tell him that she'd be leaving. He was writing on monogrammed paper, something she'd noticed he did often, when he looked up to give her one of the warmest smiles she'd seen before telling her, "Good night Alessia and thank you for today."

  She felt her insides turn to mush and barely was able to whisper good night before leaving. She put on her coat, grabbed her handbag and left her luxurious office. She walked down the magnificent hall with the fresco painted ceilings, got into the elevator and walked out into the windy cool air, sending chills through to her bones. She'd decided as soon as she received her next paycheck, she'd buy herself a warmer coat. She walked the short distance to the bus stop and waited 40 minutes in the chilling wind before the bus finally passed. She got on and pushed herself through the hot and stuffy crowd of people until she found a spot near the exit where she could breath. The bus was overly crowded, as usual, and by the time she got to her stop, she got out feeling hot and sweaty. Walking the short distance to her building, she put her key into the front gate and then walked up the stairs to the third floor. This too was another thing she'd planned to do when she had a little more money - move to an apartment block that had an elevator to the ground floor but for now, it was enough to keep her warm and dry.

  As soon as she stepped into her apartment, she flung off her red stiletto shoes and pulled off her coat, dropping everything by the door. She could still feel the chills in her bones and so she went straight to the bathroom to turn on the water in the tub, throwing some scented oils into the water. Within minutes, she'd stripped herself nude and was about to step into the bathtub when her reflection caught her attention. She looked at her body and wondered what the Minister saw in her that he couldn't keep his hands off her. Suddenly the feeling of his hands running over her body brought the sensation back and as she slipped into the water, she dangled her legs over the edges to finger herself as he'd told her to earlier that morning. She'd never been that bold before but now that she knew she could give herself pleasure, she tried it again in the comforts of her own home.

  As she found the spot that made her excitement run through her veins, she thought of the Minister, Alessandro, and the first thrust of desire ran through her, pushing her over the edge. She continued to finger herself, enjoying the feeling too much to give up so quickly, so she inserted a second finger and pinched with her thumb where it was most sensitive, pushing her body to it's limit. Her body started to shake and as she arched her back and moved her backside up and down to feel more pleasure, the movement made the water spill out of the tub but she continued until she let out a loud moan, climaxing in such a sweet state that her body trembled for a while before it settled down with the warmth of the relaxing bath.

  She closed her eyes and could smell the scent of Alessandro, as if he were there with her. She could see his deep blue eyes on her body and almost feel his touch, making her desire return so quickly that she had to get out of the tub in time before she lost all control. She walked over to her bed, dripping wet and lay on it face down but the excitement between her legs wouldn't go away so she grabbed a small pillow from her bed and placed it between her legs, gently stroking herself as she closed her eyes. She moved her backside up and down and as the pillow created tension on her folds, it sent an exhilarating feeling running through her. She pumped the pillow more as she held it between her legs and moved her ass up and down quickly. She was about to come and she quickened her movements feeling the hot wet desire between her legs grow to a point that she couldn't hold it back. Tightening her thighs around the pillow, she felt release come as her heart pumped quickly and her breath was laboured. She turned her mouth toward the mattress and screamed out her pleasure as it came in full force, grateful that she was lying down or she was sure that her body would collapse from the force of the pleasure. She turned over onto her back and threw the little pillow to the side while she lay still with her legs spread open, still feeling the throbbing sensation between her legs until her entire body came back to normal.

  She felt positively fantastic. She'd never done anything like that in her life and decided that she was going to do it again as soon as she regained her strength. Being with His Excellency that day had opened up her sexual desires in a way that she didn't know existed. She'd never had a partner that made her feel this way. Sure he could be cold one moment and completely hot for her desire the next but she saw something inside his eyes that she'd never seen in anyone before. It wasn't just lust, it was much more and she would explore what it was if he'd give her the possibility.

  She turned taking another pillow and putting it over her face, she screamed out loud as she kicked her legs in the air feeling wond
erful. Then she grabbed the small pillow again and placed it between her legs before turning over onto her stomach. She pumped it again with her legs as her ass went up and down and she found herself climaxing into a wonderful pleasurable feeling that ran through her body. Her body was racked with heat and sweat as she moaned and screamed into the mattress again, slipping joyously over the edge for the second time. As she lay still while her body came back to normal, she slipped her legs over the edge of the bed and tried once more to see if she could get the same feeling as her ass slipped off the side.

  She could see herself in the mirror behind and as she pumped the pillow faster and faster, watching the movements of her ass completely open and shaking turned her on in a way that she didn't think would be possible. She continued until her third orgasm arrived, shaking her entire body so that her legs couldn't hold her up and as she screamed while her pleasure tore through her body, her legs gave in and she landed on the floor in a semi state of euphoria. The coolness of the tiled floor against her hot and sweaty body sent delightful chills through her. She lay still on the floor with her legs wide open as she felt the wetness between her legs trickled to the floor, while she came down from her moment of euphoria.

  Chapter One

  Alessia was packed and ready the next morning when the driver rang the intercom to her apartment. She pulled her suitcase down the stairs, hoping she'd chosen the right clothing for the trip.

  There were two black cars waiting outside; the first one had a blue police light on the top. The driver took her bag and placed it in the second car and then opened the back door for her. As she got in, she noticed the Minister was waiting inside.

  "Buongiorno Alessia," he said with a grin.

  "Buongiorno Onorevole," she said politely.

  He handed her an iPad mini and told her that she should keep it with her at all times, explaining that he'd be sending her notes and messages for the meetings.

  She popped it into her handbag and then looked out the window at the dark sky, wondering if it would be raining in Milano when they arrived.

  They drove the short distance to the Tiburtina train station and Alessia looked at the Minister, questioning what they were doing there.

  "We'll be taking the TAV to Milano today," he said without looking at her. "You would have known if you'd read the email I sent you this morning on the iPad I just gave you."

  "Oh, sorry. I'll read my messages as soon as I get on the train," she said, as she turned while the driver opened her door. She grabbed her bag and stepped out of the car.

  "Yes, please read the instructions I sent you," he said with a smirk.

  She looked at him wondering if he'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Who reads their emails at 6:00 in the morning? She realized that she needed to pay more attention to these things if she wanted to keep her job.

  The two men in suits from the first car followed them and as she looked over her shoulder, she asked, "Do they always follow you around?"

  "They're my bodyguards - they always need to go where I go," he said.

  She nodded in acknowledgement to the fact that they'd always have company. She decided it was a good thing while she looked around at some of the people that were at the train station early in the morning. Some were homeless, some were drug addicts, some were foreigners - none had pleasant faces, so she walked a little closer to the Minister, suddenly feeling insecure with her surroundings. He caught on to her nervousness and grinned as he continued to walk to the VIP area of the station.

  They were shown to a waiting area that was not open to the general public and after a few moments, they were called to board the train. Alessia followed the Minister, while his two guards followed closely behind them, into the TAV train. She'd never been on the high-speed train before so it would be an adventure. She took a seat beside the Minister and pulled out the iPad. She pulled up her emails and noticed there were three from the Minister sent early that morning. Doesn't this guy ever sleep, she wondered? The subject line of one email indicated **VERY URGENT** so she read it first. She opened the email and started to read, nearly gasping when she saw what he demanded. She shifted her eyes to see him with her peripheral vision and noticed he hadn't moved a muscle. He must be joking! There was no way she was going to do what he asked so she wrote back to him with a short message saying: I will not and we can discuss it later.

  His iPhone beeped as he received the message, and while he grinned as he read the message, he coughed and wrote something back.

  She looked at the iPad, read his message and stormed off to the bathroom. She shut the bathroom door and looked at herself in the mirror. Who does he think he is? He thinks he could simply order her around? She didn't know why but she found herself doing what he'd told her and then stormed back to her seat.

  He didn't lift his gaze from the newspaper he was reading when she sat back down and it drove her crazy. Then he lifted his hand and placed it over her hand as it rested on the armrest between their two seats and asked, "Did you do as I asked?"

  "Yes but we need to discuss this when we have a moment of privacy," she said.

  "Oh, we will," he said with a devilish growl. Then he moved to the seat in front of her and asked, "Let me see."

  She shook her head, not wanting to open her legs and expose her bareness but he leaned forward and whispered, "You will submit to my requests." Then he placed his hands over her knees and widened her legs, so he could see that she'd taken off her panties as he'd asked. He smirked in pleasure and then sat back in the seat beside her. "You'll be punished when we get to our hotel later."

  "Punished? What for?" she asked, as she sat with her legs crossed.

  "For not following my orders from the beginning but you'll learn the hard way," he said, as he read to his newspaper.

  She sat silent for the rest of the trip, gazing out the window, not really wanting to speak to him but she'd decided she would tell him where he could stick it when they got to the hotel. If he thought she'd be his sex slave, then he was going to be strongly disappointed.

  The ride took approximately 3 1/2 hours and when they arrived in Milano, the guards got up quickly before following them off the train. There were two cars waiting for them and after getting into the second car, they were taken to the Hotel Principe di Savoia. All the formalities of check-in were done before arriving and so as soon as they stepped into the hotel, they were accompanied to their suite.

  Alessia walked into the suite with the Minister and as soon as they were alone, she asked, "Where am I sleeping tonight?"

  He walked slowly to the bar and poured himself a glass of Grappa; then bringing it to his lips, he took a sip and walked over to the window to look out at the city centre while he held the glass in his hand.

  "Excuse me? Are you listening to me? I'd like to know were I'll be sleeping tonight?" she asked again.

  He walked over to the nearest table and put down his glass; then he looked up at her and said, "Take your clothes off."

  She looked at him in complete shock, wondering how far he was going to take this but when she didn't move, he repeated his request, "You will submit to me, so take off your clothes."

  She stood a moment thinking, biting her bottom lip and thought about her alternatives. She really needed the job and needed to think about her father along with the rent, bills and food. After a moment of hesitation, she started to unbutton her shirt and threw it on the floor; then she unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor with her shirt. Lastly, she slipped her skirt off her hips, stepping out of it as it slid to the floor, leaving her completely naked before His Excellency.

  "Now go to the bedroom and lay on you stomach across the foot of the bed," he said.

  She did as she was told and walked into the bedroom. He followed her and then she saw he took off his suit jacket and flung it over the sofa before unbuckling his belt. Then he doubled it over and hit his hand with it.

  "Oh no! You're not using that on me. I'm not going to be whi
pped like I'm an animal," she said, worried that he was going to hurt her.

  "This is your punishment for disobeying me," he said, as his eyes turned a deeper blue from the lust that was spilling over from the sight of her naked body. "Have you been a bad girl?" he asked.

  "No, I haven't," she said finding the courage.

  "Excuse me?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

  She looked into his eyes a moment and realized that there was no getting out of the situation so she took a deep breath and said, "Yes Sir!"

  "Who am I?" he asked.

  "Minister Medici-Visconti," she whispered.

  "Then you will say Yes Minister when I ask you a question," he said. "Do you understand?"

  "Yes Minister," she said, hoping to get this over with quickly.

  She tried to wiggle away but he let the first lash come down across her buttocks and the sting really hurt. Then immediately after, a second and third lash came down, leaving red marks over her smooth pale skin.

  The fourth and fifth lashes made her tremble but at the same time, she felt desire grow between her legs, making her folds dripping wet. After the fifth lash, he threw the belt onto the bed and then went down onto his knees and started to kiss her softly on the spots where he'd lashed out. She felt the softness of his lips on the welts that had started to form. His kisses made her desire grow. Then he moved his lips up her back, gently giving her soft kisses in circular motions until he reached her neck. Slowly and ever so gently, he moved his soft fingers over her body, turning her over so that he could kiss the soft skin around the front of her neck, down to her breasts. He licked one of her nipples, taking it into his mouth to suck on it and then moved to the other nipple. Then he moved his mouth downward to her bellybutton where he licked the contour of the tiny button. While his tongue moved down just above where her wetness dripped, she closed her eyes as she gripped the cover. He gently opened her legs with his soft hands and moved his mouth to where her wetness awaited. She felt his tongue lick the moisture, sending excitement through her veins until he pushed his tongue inside, deep into her core.