Italian Politics (The Billionaire's Affair) Series
Published by Grace Kagni at Smashwords
Copyright 2013 Grace Kagni
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This book is dedicated to all the women out there that are still searching for love.
From the Author
Italians, living in Italy, are influenced by what the news reports about the personal lives and scandals of the Italian politicians. This inspired me to write a series about the lives of influential Italian politicians and the scandals that bring awareness to the Italian public. Please note that the outline of the story is based on what was reported in the news but has been turned into a work of fiction.
I'd like to thank E-Book Cover Designs By Carey for the fantastic book cover.
Other books by Grace Kagni
Famiglia Conti Series
Marco’s Vines - Book 1
Giacomo's Patience - Book 2
Serena's Cellars - Book 3
Matteo's Challenge - Book 4
Italian Politics (The Billionaire's Affair) Series
Scandal - Book 1
Breakup - Book 2
Promise - Book 3
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
While Alessia Ferrara walked into her office Monday morning, her phone rang so she picked it up as she tried to take off her coat.
"Pronto?" she said, wondering who would be calling her so early in the morning, since the office was still deserted.
"Pronto? Signora Ferrara?" asked a lady on the phone.
"Si," she said.
"I'm calling from the Human Resources Office to tell you that you've been reassigned as of this morning," the lady said.
Alessia slumped into her seat wondering what the lady was talking about.
"I haven't received an email or memorandum informing me of any changes," she said, hoping she didn't have to move. She really liked where she'd been working and really liked her colleague who she shared her office with.
"Well, there's been a special request that arrived late last night and you are the most qualified person to fill the position," the lady from HR said.
"So where am I to be moved?" she asked, as she looked around at her office, taking in all the pictures, plants and objects that filled her space, dreading having to pack everything.
"You've been reassigned to work in the main offices for The Minister of Labour, His Excellency Alessandro Medici-Visconti," the lady said.
Alessia gasped - just the thought of working for that arrogant politician made her stomach turn. She sat a moment in silence thinking what she should do. Should she refuse? Should she accept? It was too much to take early on a Monday morning.
"Signora Ferrara?" the lady asked, wondering if Alessia had hung up.
"Sorry, I'm listening," she said as she cleared her head. She couldn't refuse the move, so she had no choice but to accept graciously and then quit if it turned into a nightmare!
"Alright then. Please go directly to the main building, up to the top floor where the Minister's office is located. I will ensure that the contents of your office will be moved to your new office this morning," the lady said.
"When am I expected to arrive?" Alessia asked.
"You're already late, so please hurry along!" the lady said with authority.
So, Alessia grabbed her coat, placing it over her arm; then picked up the picture of her parents from her desk and placed it in her handbag on her way out. She took the elevator down to the main floor and walked out of the secondary entrance of the building to the main entrance where the elevators that went up to the top floor were located.
As she rode the lift up, she thought about what a long day it would be since she needed to learn the job from scratch. She hoped that His Excellency wasn't as arrogant as people said. As the elevator doors opened, she let out a long sigh and stepped into the lavishly decorated offices. She took a few steps forward, noticing the antique furniture and the paintings on the walls, giving a clear picture of it being a place where heads of governments met. She shivered thinking about the power that flowed through these offices, knowing that most of the occupants appeared in the media everyday.
A lady at the reception desk, wearing a name badge with the name Francesca, greeted her and when Alessia gave her name, Francesca told her to go right down the hall to the last office on the right side. Alessia walked slowly down the long corridor, admiring the fresco paintings on the high ceilings and was distracted when she bumped into something hard and muscular. She lowered her eyes from the ceiling to gaze into the bluest eyes she'd ever seen - His Excellency Alessandro Medici-Visconti stood before her, grinning at her.
"Minister Medici-Visconti, I'm terribly sorry. I was admiring the ceilings and didn't see you. Please accept my apologies," she said politely hoping that her apology would be enough.
"Are you lost?" he asked as he tilted his head to the right, looking into her dark brown eyes.
"Actually, no! I was on my way to your office," she said.
"My office? What business would you have with me?" he asked, being more charming than she'd expected. Oh, this will make it really difficult to work with him!
"I'm your new assistant. I was called this morning by Human Resources and told to come directly here," she said.
He grinned without saying anything and then he looked her over from head to toe. "It will be my pleasure working with you then. What is your name, mia Cara?"
"Alessia Ferrara. Can you please tell me which is my office?" she asked, hoping that he wouldn't be annoyed with her but he held out his arm to escort her to her office.
She walked into an enormous room, also with fresco paintings on the ceilings where an antique desk sat in the middle and antique sofas on the far wall. Alessia presumed that it was the Minister's office from the opulence of the furnishings, so she looked at him with confused eyes.
"Don't you like your office, mia Cara?" he asked.
"This is my office?" she asked as her eyes nearly popped out of her head. None of her past bosses had an office as grand as hers! This job may be better than she expected.
His eyes twinkled as he smiled and said, "Yes, this is your office. My office is past those doors, which means that you will be my protector to the outside world."
She looked at him a moment wondering what he was on about but then she realized what he meant. Her job was to screen everyone who walked through that door insisting on seeing the Minister. She suddenly felt her shoulders sag thinking of the responsibility but she also felt excitement about the new job.
"Don't worry, mia Cara; I'll tell you what I want and what I don't want - clearly out in the open, so that you will know who I wish to see and who I don't. Are you strong willed?" he asked.
"Yes, I believe tha
t I have a strong character, if that is what you mean," Alessia said.
"Then you will do well here. Now take a few minutes to put your things away and then come into my office, so I can provide you with a list of who you may allow in to see me and who you should under no circumstances allow past your desk," he said, smiling as he walked past her desk and through the doors that opened up to his office.
She saw his office through the doors and noted that it was bigger than her apartment but then she looked at her own office and knew it was also bigger than her apartment. She hung her coat, placed her bag in the cabinet, found a pencil and notepad and then took a breath before walking through his office doors.
She stopped to look in through the door that was ajar and noticed how attractive he was. He was at his desk writing something on a piece of paper and she noticed how his dark wavy hair seemed to give him the appearance of the prince charming she'd always read about in fairytales when she was a little girl. She knocked before going through and he looked up, smiling as she stood by the door. His office was impressively decorated to meet with foreign diplomats.
He told her to come in and take a seat in front of him, which she did and she waited while he finished writing his note. Then he looked up and grinned at her. "So, have you settled into your new office?" he asked, as he sat back in his leather chair.
"Yes for the time being. Thank you," she said, as she looked into his blue eyes. She watched as he got up and went to shut and lock the door she'd left ajar before returning to sit on the chair across from her.
"So, tell me a little about yourself. If you're going to work for me, I'd like to know a little about you," he said while grinning at her.
"Well, I was born and grew up in Rome, studied at the Sapienza University and have been working here at for the past two years," she said, trying not to feel so nervous about being so close to him. She could almost feel the heat of his body and as his knee touched hers; it sent a thrilling sensation throughout her body.
"Do you live at home with your parents? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" he asked, as he laid one of his arms over the back of the antique chair.
"My mother passed away when I was very young and my father, who has Alzheimer, has recently been moved to a senior home where he can have the care and attention needed," Alessia said, her heart still aching at the thought of putting her father in a home but she really didn't have a choice. It was either the seniors' home or she'd have to give up her job and care for him at home. Most of her wage paid for the seniors' home, not leaving much left to pay for her rent and food; so she really needed this job.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Will you stand for me?" he asked, his face suddenly serious.
Alessia sat a moment, not understanding why she'd have to stand but she did and as soon as she stood, he ran his hand up her thigh, under her dress to the crease of her butt cheek. Her eyes widened a moment and then instinctively, she slapped him hard on the face, leaving him with a surprised look at first but then it turned into a grin.
"I like the feel of your skin, Alessia. Take your panties off," he said boldly while he into her eyes.
She looked into his deep blue eyes as her face started to flush, not having the courage to slap him again. She thought about walking out but she really needed this job or both her and her father would be out on the street within the week.
"You're free to quit if you don't want to work for me," he said, nodding toward the door but when she didn't move, he slowly moved his hand up her thigh again until he reached her panties and pulled them down slowly. She stepped out of them and watched as he balled them in one hand and brought them to his nose.
"Are you aware how much you're scent drives me crazy?" he said, as he took her hand and put it on his crotch, feeling his manhood hard under his expensive suit.
She stood there gazing at him, her legs trembling from excitement and nervousness until he told her to sit down. She sat down on the antique chair and then he told her to lift her legs over the armrests, exposing herself to him. She tightened her legs a moment, debating whether she really wanted to do this but then the sinking feeling that she'd be out of a job within minutes popped back into her mind and she did as he asked.
She carefully lifted her legs over the armrests, as her red stiletto heels dangled, suspended in mid-air. He moved forward and lifted her ass bringing it closer to the edge of the chair, exposing her core for his eyes to drink in the beauty and the lust that lay within. She closed her eyes, not able to look him in the eyes while he looked at her, but when she didn't feel his touch; she opened her eyes only to see him sitting back in his chair, looking lustfully at her folds.
"Touch yourself," he demanded.
"Excuse me?" she asked, not believing what he'd just asked her to do. She'd never done that, not even privately in her own room and now he thought she would simply touch herself to turn him on? When she didn't do it, he took her hand and brought it down to her folds, caressing it carefully as his fingers were entwined in hers. Then he let go and said, "Now you continue on your own."
She moved her fingers over her labia and noticed that at the mere touch, she was dripping in moisture and as she moved her hand in swirls, the feeling was sparking pleasure within her that she didn't think was possible.
"Now put a finger inside," he said as his gaze turned dark from desire.
She closed her eyes and laid her head back as she arched her back before she put her index finger deep inside her folds.
"Move your finger in and out feeling where it gives you most pleasure," he said, as he watched with delight. She moved her finger in and out of her wetness as he asked and she felt the burning desire growing within her until she got to a point that her desire was so powerful that she couldn't hold it back anymore. Her body was trembling while her back arched and her head pushed back. She could feel herself slipping off the chair but as her desire was too great, she followed her desire until she went over the edge, moaning loudly in the process.
He leaned forward and caught her body as it trembled into ecstasy and nearly fell to the floor. He pulled her onto his lap and let her catch her breath as her head rested on his shoulder. When she finally regained control of herself, she pushed herself up off his lap and went to grab her undies to put back on but he said, "No, leave them where they are. I like to think of you sitting naked in your chair. You may go back to your desk now."
She stared at him with an annoyed expression, seeing his grinning face staring back. She let out a long sign and then flattened her skirt and went back out to her office.
The morning passed quickly as people showed up to see His Excellency and the people on his list were allowed in and the ones that weren't on his list, were asked politely to come back another time. She had a hard time getting these to leave but with all her good will, she was able to turn them away politely. She feared standing up too long in the event that her short dress should reveal that she was completely nude underneath. It gave her a strange sensation sitting without any panties but in a way, it stirred feelings inside that she'd forgotten were there.
He went out for lunch with another Minister and Alessia decided to go out to buy herself another pair of panties during lunch. It bothered her more that someone should find out she was nude rather than His Excellency knowing she disobeyed him. She couldn't take any chances so she bought a box of six in the event he'd asked her again to take her panties off and then keep them.
She had a light lunch in a café not far from work and made it back to the office before the Minister returned from his business lunch. She was typing at her desk when he walked back in and she didn't notice him until he was standing behind her and within seconds, he leaned down to unzip the back of her dress, kissing her back. Then he unclipped her bra and moved his hands from the smoothness of her back to the front were her breasts lay loose and soft.
"Minister! What if someone should walk in?" she said trying to get out of his reach but he only pulled her gently out of her chair and le
ad her to his office, where again he locked the door.
This time he sat her on the dark chaise longue in the back corner of his office and as he gently took off her dress, he looked down at the panties she wore and shook his head in a displeasing way.
"Did you bring an extra pair of panties to work this morning, Ms Ferrara?" his eyes hungry to tear those off quickly.
He removed her bra with his teeth and then moved his mouth down her stomach, leaving soft kisses until he moved to the top of the panties. He lifted her bottom and eased them off slowly. "Next time, when I ask you to take your panties off, it means to keep them off. Is that understood?"
Alessia nodded with wonder as she watched his large smooth hands moving over her body, sending a tingling sensation deep inside her belly. She could feel the wetness building between her legs and the way he drank in every inch of her body made her desire grow stronger.
He kissed every part of her smooth body, taking in a nipple at a time, teasing and sucking on it before he lowered his head and brought his mouth to her mound where he'd only looked at it before. Now he was extremely aroused, needing to touch and taste it.
The chaise longue also had armrests and he gently hooked her stiletto heels on the armrests bringing her butt clearly up off the chaise. She wasn't very comfortable but the desire building within surpassed her comfort. He straddled the chaise and then lowered his head so he could taste her heat, dripping in wetness from his touch.
He flicked his tongue over her sensitive nub and then sucked the wetness with the fullness of his lips before pushing his tongue deep inside her. She pressed on her stiletto's as her back arched, trying to get closer to his mouth as it deliciously did some mind craving things to her insides, sending her straight into a spiralling whirlwind. His tongue moved quickly and as quickly as it moved inside, it pulled out, leaving her desperately wanting more.
In one single movement, he picked her up and spun her around so she was on her hands and knees perched at the end of the chaise longue. She sensed he stood behind her and then she heard him unzipping his pants and seconds later, she felt his hard manhood push deep into her folds. She tried to point her toes in her stiletto heels and grip the side of the chaise as he pushed deep in and out quickly. She felt like she was going to slide off of the narrow chaise but somehow she managed to hold on and was thrown into a sweet and powerful thrust of lust that she'd never felt before. She heard him grunting as he pushed faster and deeper inside her hot core until he came and she found sweet release at the same time.